Following the devastating fire in October 2023, we were employed by London Luton Airport Ltd to manage the damage and stability assessments and subsequently the redesign of the new car park.
We have carried out structural assessments using a variety of methods – visual inspections from a safe perimeter, drone footage, computer modelling and tracking movements gathered from an extensive target monitoring system that was installed. Due to its instability, access over the structure has been obtained using a crane hung man-rider basket.
The structure has deteriorated significantly since the fire, and as such is no longer safe or fit for its intended purpose. Floorslabs and supporting beams have collapsed, and steelwork has heated and buckled, with substantial loss of strength.
The car park will now be dismantled down to the foundations and re-constructed. We have taken a lead consultant role and formed a team to produce a design that meets updated legislation and adheres to the latest best practice guidance. The building comprises a ground plus 4-storey structure. The frame adopts composite steel beam construction with a profiled metal deck slab.
Damaged after a major fire, a West End office and retail building was reconstructed from the basement up.
Convenient option for passengers flying from LLA
Structural inspection at retail site
Advising on structural repairs following a fire at a factory building