MNP Sustainability And Climate

Sustainability and Climate

Climate change is an issue that our engineers want to make a difference in; not only in our everyday lives but in the structures we design.

The construction industry is a significant contributor to global carbon dioxide emissions, therefore it is our responsibility to support a shift in how we approach the design and construction of the built environment, in order to reduce climate impact. MNP were one of the first to sign the IStructE “Engineers Declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency” declaration.

We have participated in Grosvenor’s Net Zero Mentoring Programme for SMEs, and had our near-term emissions reduction target validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We commit to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 46% by 2030 from a 2019 base year, and to measure and reduce our Scope 3 emissions.
> Scope 1: directly from operations owned or controlled by the company e.g. gas central heating and company owned vehicles
> Scope 2: indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity e.g. central heating, lighting and technology
> Scope 3: indirect emissions that occur in the supply chain e.g. employee commuting, business travel, water, waste, and purchased goods and services.

As part of our commitment to helping to reduce carbon emissions in the construction industry we use IStructE’s carbon tool to accurately calculate the impact of our designs on the environment. Every building we design can be assessed and frame designs tailored to the most structurally efficient and lowest carbon solutions to provide succinct comparisons of engineering choices to our clients.

We can show how different new build material choices compare with the reuse of existing structures so clients can see how much capital cost they are investing, and how much return they see in terms of carbon saving. As with every budget, decisions need to be made based on best value, and we are fully committed to this approach, with an aim of ultimately achieving Net Carbon Zero.

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Sustainability Month at MNP

Exploring the environmental impact of the built environment

Update: Grosvenor’s Net Zero Programme

MNP have gained a Science Based Target